Alessandro Ripellino Architects

Alessandro Ripellino Architects

The story behind

It is not unusual for architects to think they know graphic design, and they often come up with decent logotypes. Thus having an architect as a client presents a particular challenge, as you have to deliver something they couldn’t just come up with on their own. Alessandro Ripellino Architects is a company with broad experience in city planning and high-rise buildings. The founder, Alessandro, born and raised in Italy, has always been intrigued by Nordic light and how it can be played with on structures or patterns on facades. One of his inspirations from Italy is the black and white patterns on the Basilica Santa Maria Novella in Florence. We ended up with a regular logo and an extended version for decorative purposes on walls and on the website.

This project is featured in the book Process — Visual Journeys in Graphic Design.

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Fotografiska New York
Fredrik Mattson Verkstad