Schjerfbeck at Schirn

Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt

The story behind

Helene Schjerfbeck (1862–1946) is one of Finlands most famous artists. In this exhibition, curated by Carolin Köchling, the emphasis was Schjerfbecks way of working with surfaces and using different kinds of images as »models«. The pictures she copied came partly from fashion magazines of the early 1920s.Inspired by the way she »created images out of images« we made a tribute to the theme on the cover. We used one of her most famous self-portraits, altered it, and made a »new« image out of it.

We wanted to make a cover image that showed off her self-confidence in the male-dominated art world.

The image is screen printed on a shimmery grey paper (reminiscent of the original painting). We chose a soft magazine format, altering Garda Gloss for the text pages and Garda Phat natural toned for the plate sections. Inside a five colour printing with a bright red as an accent colour as a reference to that Schjerfbeck often used accent colours herself in her paintings.

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Korakrit Arunanondchai
Mirrored screen prints
Kristina Jansson: Spell Bound