Logos & marks by BankerWessel

Various clients

The story behind

The crash course in designing a logo: 1. know the client and its needs 2. Find a suitable solution that can be featured on a facade as well as in limited pixel size on the web. 3. Do not panic. The logo is the centerpiece of the design. It should be clear, unique and work easily in a range of different contexts.In the best scenario it is like compressed coal making a diamond. A mark that can »explode« in a playful way into patterns, animations, merchandise etc. A well-designed logo gives the company a tool to express a lot of personality in an easy efficient way.

We always sketch in black and white. To start to add colour early is a sign that the shape just isn't working out by itself.

We always start out by making a kind of research into different shapes. In that sketching process we create hundreds of sketches to find the suitable final version. In that process crit is the tool to choose one version over the other. This stage is playful but also very hard as you have to evaluate your work constantly and everything has to be motivated.It is also a quest to find an original solution. An example is our logo for the circus dissemination organisation Autopistes. We had to ask ourselves what circus is about beyond elephants and circus wagons. What we wanted to show instead was circus based on balance and precision.Our logos have been featured in several magazines and books like Computer Graphics as examples of good logos.

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The House
Alessandro Ripellino Architects
Hasselblad Foundation